NHL Kali Sulphuricum


Itchy and scaly skin, cold and cough


Kali sulphuricum is a homeopathic medicine useful in complaints of the skin such as itchy and scaly skin. It is highly indicated in cases of desquamation of the skin accompanied by yellow and offensive discharges. It is also a very valuable remedy for shifting pains in the legs. It is of use in complaints after injuries. Almost all complaints are worse by heat and in the evenings but better from cold. Symptoms are also better in open air than in closed rooms.

What is Kali Sulphuricum?

Kali sulphuricum homeopathy is a medicine made from the elements potassium and sulphur. It is a tissue remedy and is hence useful in conditions that arise from a lack of these elements in the body. The most significant feature of this remedy is its yellow discharges. It also has a sensation of weariness, weakness as well as anxiety which accompanies almost all complaints. It is a tissue remedy. Almost all symptoms are worse in the evening and pains are of a wandering nature. Desquamation of the skin is a guiding symptom of this remedy.

Kali sulphuricum uses include in cases where:

  • Complaint that gets worse from heat and in the evenings.
  • Joint pains or pains in general of a shifting nature.
  • Complaints accompanied by thick and yellow discharges.
  • Complaints with a yellow coating on the tongue.
  • Skin complaints with desquamation of the skin.
  • Respiratory complaints with yellow, slimy and thick discharges those are difficult to expectorate and cause great rattling when coughing.

To conclude, Kali sulphuricum homoeopathic medicine is an excellent remedy for complaints that are aggravated by heat and in the evening but are better in cool and open environments. This remedy is also of use in complaints accompanied by a thick yellow discharge that is difficult to evacuate. Complaints worse on the left side and those that go from below upwards are benefited by this remedy. There is nausea and vomiting accompanied by thick vomits. There is pain in joints worse in the evening and by warmth of the bed or by warm applications. The complaints caused by this remedy arise from injuries and from getting cold after overheating. It is also a very good remedy for vertigo and complaints of the ear. It is helpful in cases of pain in the face worse by warmth and in a warm room.

NHL Kali Sulphuricum

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